Anthony Paul Lashley is a creator of poetry, short stories and play scripts. Browse through the portfolio.
All available either directly from the website or from those of publishers, as listed.
Commission work undertaken.
Play Script: The Mimes of Sherlock Holmes - a comedy drama.
Much to the discomfort of Watson and the bemusement of Mrs Hudson, Holmes has taken up the art of miming when they are visited by Lady Fosbury. In some distress, and in fear of losing her mind, Lady Fosbury explains that several items of value have been going missing from Fosbury Hall and, despite the best efforts of both the police and her husband, no culprit can be found. The intrepid due pay a visit to Fosbury Hall, where, having inspected the building and met the enigmatic Agnes Sommerd, they interview all of the remaining occupants.
In the meantime, whilst mulling over their findings they are paid a visit by Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard, who warns them off bothering the Fosburys again.
Whilst pondering their next step, Holmes notices an interesting article in the newspaper which Watson is reading. A visit to The Appleton Theatre provides just the connection that Holmes had hoped would reveal the true culprits and solve the crime.
Play Script: Marshmoor - a ghost story.
A young writer mysteriously inherits a lonely cottage, Marshmoor, on the edge of a small Norfolk fishing village. He decides that this would be the perfect spot to help him develop an idea for a story which he has been toying with. Whilst there he becomes intrigued by the story of a sea rescue which took place some years before and ended in the loss of the two would-be rescuers (Henry Clarke and his daughter Mary) who used to live in the cottage. Against the advice of the local solicitor, the writer decides to spend some time alone there. Advice which he ignores at great personal cost.

Play Script: The Christmas Carol - a comedy based on the story by Charles Dickens.
A play in One Act published by Lazy Bee Scripts: https://www.lazybeescripts.co.uk/
A play in One Act published by Silver Birchington Plays: https://www.silverbirchingtonplays.com
A play in One Act published by Silver Birchington Plays: https://www.silverbirchingtonplays.com/product-page/the-mimes-of-sherlock-holmes-by-anthony-paul-lashley
Dickens' Christmas tale of redemption is given a little comic twist and run at a smarter pace, but still delivers the required moral lesson along with the laughs.
The Christmas Carol.

Play Script: I Spy - Sherlock Holmes - a mystery drama
A play in Two Acts published by Scripts for Stage: https://scriptsforstage.co.uk/wp/script-library/spy/
A Sherlock Holmes mystery thriller based on the characters originally created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Holmes and Watson suspect that their apartment in Baker Street is being watched. However, working with Watson’s sister, Harriet, they realise that it is not, in fact, they that the spies are after.
Following a meeting with Lady Arabella Marshal, owner of Marshal Industries, and her newly appointed officer, Professor James Moriarty, the trio realise that something more sinister is afoot and it involves Sherlock’s brother, Mycroft.

The Burglar.
Derek and Mary Hobson are awakened to find a burglar in their living room. Derek is appalled, not just because he is being robbed but the burglar is, in fact, a woman! As the evening unfolds, we begin to discover more about the failing relationship of the Hobsons than the burglary itself and, much to Derek's increasing annoyance, Mary actually seems to be forming some sort of bond with the perpetrator.
A Comedy in One Act published by Silver Birchington Plays: https://www.silverbirchingtonplays.com

When his fisherman father is consumed by the oceans, a boy refuses to accept it and goes on a mission to rescue him.
A touching and evocative tale about the lure and dangers of the waves, and the strength of a child's love for his father.
The Boy, The Father & The Sea delves into the age-old mythology of man's relationship with the sea, creating a new and timeless fable.
This story is illustrated with extraordinary skill and passion.
Published by New Generation Publishing:
"A beautifully illustrated poetic-narrative." Illustrations by Rebecca Clare Lashley.
Available to purchase via this website.
The Place Where Time Once Slept
"A beautifully written, evocative, charming and heart-warming read"
When young Time falls asleep, almost everything in the world stops, even the sun.
Fortunately, three remain awake: Fortune, Cold and History.
Fortune bids Cold to awaken the sleeping Time and, at last, all is restored to as it was before.
Time, of course, feels very guilty and vows never to return to "THE PLACE WHERE TIME ONCE SLEPT".
Published by White Magic Studios: https://www.whitemagicstudios.co.uk/catalogue

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Have a question or want to collaborate? Don't hesitate to contact me!